always sound

always sound by feng chyn you from taiwan

designer's own words:

Inspired by John Cage’s 4’33” , originally given by a solo pianist but in the whole score, there is no notated sound at all: the musicians remain silent, the piece ‘consisting’ of the sounds of environment. Inevitably, 4’33” was received as a joke, but this was not a gesture for Cage but something he sincerely took to heart: in Cage’s philosophy it was a ‘non-intention’, and he was much influenced by Zen thought. What 4’33” shows is simply the willingness or opportunity to attune our hearing to all aural phenomena.
In this design, 5 identical silver cubits are suspend, not until be touched that the audience could tell their difference by the sounds they make. When people touch the cubes one by one, the first fours make different noises, but when they touch the last one,( because it contains no beater inside) the audience usually feels he hears nothing; however, in Cage’s philosophy, he actually hears everything if he pays attention.

always sound

copy_1294_2.jpg structure of chime

copy_1087_3.jpg open ur ears and listen