ANIMAL MASKS by keita Ebidzuka from japan
designer's own words:
In the mythology, many gods have animal’s head and human’s body, like Anubis in Egyptian myth, Minotaur in Greek myth and so on. And in many festivals and ceremonies, people put the animal masks. It is thought to be able to get the animals’ abilities by putting their masks. Mask is the symbol of the power.
This “ANIMAL MASKS” provides the animal’s view for whom put on it. Giraffe Mask gives you higher and wider ranges view. Spider Mask has compound eyes and gives ultraviolet view. Snake Mask gives infrared view and you can see things with the heat although in the night. Dolphin Mask makes you see the distance by using echolocation. These are only examples and ANIMAL MASKS offer the each animals’ visual abilities to you.
To realize this, the Mask contains head mounted display, video camera and small computer like Arduino. Then the view from Mask’s eye will be changed to the animal’s view by the Processing (program software) in the real time and you can see this with the display.
ANIMAL MASKS – structure
ANIMAL MASKS – giraffe
ANIMAL MASKS – dolphin