Anxiety Accessories

Anxiety Accessories by Danielle McC from uk

designer's own words:

My research was from first hand experience with my little sister. I noticed situations during family breakdown which are particularly difficult and designed a series of wearable to help ease the anxieties. As children are usually left with their mother as the primary caregiver, the father's house can often be an unfamiliar environment and the child can struggle with loyalty issues, the bracelets and necklace help ease the tensions felt by the child. Also, when the child is handed from one parent to the other can be a very difficult situation. The headband can help the child communicate when they are feeling uncomfortable non-verbally, so it can be especially useful for children with speech or confidence issues.

Parent and child have personal identity tags of their bracelets
Anxiety Accessories
The identity tags are swapped when they are separated to enhance emotional connection

Anxiety Accessories
Child is provided with headband and told to pull ears down when they feel sad
Anxiety Accessories
This acts as a signal to the parents when their child is upset
Anxiety Accessories
Mum sprays her perfume in child’s necklace before she goes to Dad’s house for the weekend
Anxiety Accessories
This acts as a comfort for when the child is in an unfamiliar environement