b plant

b plant by thanva tivawong from thailand

designer's own words:

B Plant is a cycle racks system with the concept“Parking on Wall”, less space required for urban landscape. Practical use, just attach the bike wheel with the one way-lock hook and lift it up easily by spining the handle gear below and stop when the front wheel step closely on wall and another wheel still on the ground so the bike will weight on wall and ground, not on hanging.

Then lock it with your own padlock. Finally your bike will park vertically balance. User-friendly design with the plant-like shape which remind people how important of bicycle is, by saving a lots of energy so that’s good for environment. With the gear wheel and sheave drive so no electricity needed. Practical use and production. Variety use for public parking, bicycle rental, commercial or even home use.


bplantsend02.1.jpg How it works!

bplantsend03.1.jpg Details