BE SANTA by nudnik from netherlands

designer's own words:

The world’s icons are changing. And that’s a good thing.
Why should the symbol of Christmas have just one skin color, age, gender or religion? Why not all of them? 
Don’t we all wanna be like Santa? Loving, giving, riding our electric reindeers?

Santa is no longer only a big fat white guy with a beard. Santa is you.
Just stand in front of the BE SANTA box and become the new Santa.

BE SANTA is a 2.8m high soft sculpture made out of fabric and beanbags. Instead of the face is LED screen that is connected to a box next to the sculpture, where visitors of GRAND FRONT OSAKA can map their own faces on the Giant Santa and take pictures. When there is no one trying out the box, random eyes of people all around the world will be shown.

Santa needs a redesign, and what better place to do that in a funky way than in the city that wants to be at the forefront of Design? This way your vision of ‘encountering people and diverse excitements develops new ideas’ will literally come to life.