beck's jungle

beck's jungle by gregor hoffelner from austria

designer's own words:

Live or exist, this means to live consciously in every moment, but also to praise coincidences. Everywhere in life are challenges; you constantly have to make a choice. In everyday life, we are used to navigate through common spaces without any surprises. If you enter the Beck’s Jungle, you will find a place for stepping aside, for celebrating life and sharpening the senses. As in life, you will not see the whole at the first glance; you will need to explore and to find out the rules. Break the rule, that is the rule. The Beck’s Jungle is the right place for everybody who is curious and ready to act, a spot for possibilities and encounters. The architecture itself reflects and simultaneously distorts everything around. The spatial concept consists of four key elements: Fluorescent PVC tubes wrapped with transparent textiles form The Skin. The tubes can change their colour randomly by means of LED lamps. The Snakes are foam plastic cushions fixed on different heights: Lean against and sit on them! Follow the paths through the keyholes and enjoy some distraction on various screens. The third element is The Shelter: Step on the lifted stage, take a beer from the bar and celebrate life! And, of course, the most important element: The Key itself ... the individual … you!

Enter the Beck’s Jungle. Be self-confident! You are the key.

copy_170_2.jpg Key elements. 1 bottle: The Skin. 2 bottles: The Snakes. 3 bottles: The Shelter. 4 bottles: The Key: You!

copy_151_3.jpg Interesting people, lovely scents, flickering lights, pleasant sounds, tricky colours, random images and Beck’s beer.