Bio System

Bio System by Zitta Schnitt from austria

designer's own words:

In future, plants are going to supply our electronic devices with energy. We are going to use self-perpetuating systems, Bio-System is a pendant lamp working with those requirements. Because low voltage is sufficiently for OLEDS, it will be possible to supply a lamp working with OLEDS.
The pendant consists of a plant pot, a fitting frame, a transformator, bio energy generator, and four light panels. A joint is rotatable mounted on the OLED panels, due to this, it`s possible to rotate the panels until they are adjusted efficiently.
The system works from top to bottom, the plant is permanently producing energy, which is filtered by the generator underneath, afterwards the energy goes to the transformator, form there it goes straight to the light panels. OLEDS can be navigated by touching their surface, so you can easily switch off the lamp. If the lamp is not in use, the energy is stored in the generator.
The energy you get is probably free, but the system is only working, if you take care of your plant, that means watering your plant is a must, as well sunlight is important.
In this way we come back to our roots - the nature.

Your Bio-System

bio_system_description_01.jpg Construction of Bio-System