canman the ecohero by shinho cheon from korea
designer's own words:
[ Can-man the Ecohero; Recycled Eco-character: born to save the earth in an ecological way]
“Can-man believes he can save the earth.”
“Actually, Can-man is no stronger than us, which means we all can do save the earth!”
Unlike other superheros, Can-man is small and has much less power than anyone of us.
In addition, not like other characters, Can-man’s originality is not drawn as a graphic, but is a real form made of soda can which we use in everyday life. It is to approach the environmental theme more intimately and realistically which defines the characteristics of Can-man. Thus, it could get more interests from ordinary people as well as children with his funny yet meaningful eco-strories for the earth.
“Can Can-man save the earth?”
“Yes! Can-man can help us save the earth in his own way!”
can man
in the park
on mission