chiave di volta

chiave di volta by 967design from italy

designer's own words:


“[…] design, which starts from a precise executive and functional concept, and is so simple that
it endows the object with its distinctive character.” Vico Magistretti
Sic et Simpliciter.
A bookcase, simple, nothing more, nothing less. But without the irritation of having books,
magazines, catalogues that slide slowly and untidily bend and fold onto each other.
Without the use of a bookend.
A slight and smooth curve applied to the shelf, furthermore a structural element aid.
At the sides, a metal component is used to hold the shelves and sustain the first book of the
row, a starting point.
It is thought for residential spaces, as well as small offices. As a single element or an
aggregation. Like many others. Different from the others.


drawing02_967design.jpg technical drawings

drawing03_967design.jpg model image