
corekitchen by lennart günther from germany

designer's own words:


The kitchen is the traditional midpoint of the house because it is the social intersection of all participant a house. In view of the changed social structures in the 21st century, the kitchen defines itself for large parts of the population totally different.
With changed „nomadic“ life conditions the utilization of the kitchen restricts itself strongly. A large part of the meals is consumed outside the house or TO GO, and a further large share is bought prepared and has only to be warmed up only. Furthermore cold meals exspecially in the morning or the evening are taken in passing by the refrigerator. The kitchen is in this context no longer the place to prepare and consume the main meals, Ingestion is degraded to the basic necessity, and the kitchen is more an option of spending leisure time. Cooking becomes a social Event. The lengthy and circumstantial preparation of entire meals takes in the most time place only with friends. Cooking is celebratet in combination with having diner with friends. Herewith the classic working area is not longer the midpoint of the kitchen, its more the table at that the guests sit. Jointly is cut and spiced, is covered the table and spoken and drunk at the same time. Archetype for this design is not the representative festive covered table in the dining room, but rather that permanently used> life midpoint


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