
countdown by lucas alexander alvarez from georgia

designer's own words:

The following is one of two posters I created for this contest. In them I chose to focus on a particular endangered animal in order to make it more personal. The animal, in the case a Golden-headed Langur, is a drawing rather then photograph to further emphasis its fade into extinction. The fingerprints represent humans mark on the animal and its habitat. The bold, red CR EN stands for critically endangered and is further explained in the text I provided on the piece. The numbers fading from the animal represent the countdown to extinction that this Golden-headed Langur and over 50,000 animals will face unless we do something about it. Lastly, I chose to use Minion Pro for the CR EN because it’s a classic font you would see in a book, and Quicksand for the body text because it’s a thin, elegant font that goes well with the crosshatched drawing and fingerprints.

golden langur head

cross_hatch_leg.jpg crosshatch

overview_golden_langur.jpg overview