
dots by octavian badescu from romania

designer's own words:

Dots - a smart toy [learn by playing], a platform for different services, that “grows” with your child because it has three symbolic phases childhood, preadolescence, adolescence - arranged like layers, one inside the other, each phase more complex, layers open up according to the child’s understanding thus services are introduced
in later phases, opening process will spark the child’s curiosity, eventually finding inside a smaller ball, more flexible with a better display than the previous; users - children different ages ; service value - helping children discover and because children are very curious and ask questions about everything, just one service would be limiting, so Dots addresses the broad nature of curiosity and gradually introduce children to ICT services while never losing its playful nature thus every layer is a ball to remind that creativity and playfulness are linked; ICT has to have both to be more humanistic

