eco clean

eco clean by mark janes from uk

designer's own words:

The concept uses a separate concentrate and water chamber that mixes the two immediately before application; it can be switched between either surfactant solution for cleaning, tap water for washing down and pre wetting and foam for overhanging or vertical surfaces. This is to maximise the efficiency of the cleaning process and potential pollution from overuse of concentrates, and to allow for some anti residue/anti streaking and gelling additives to not be needed in the detergent mix. This also means that the bottle can be transported with no water in it meaning that the extra transport costs both in money and carbon will be cut down.

Concentrate = making the bottle inherently re-usable and giving companies something to sell at a premium to generate the same profit if not more over a time period, “natural capitalism” but capitalist friendly. Easing consumerism into the new age of design.
This way of design allows more design and production time to be invested in the product shifting the focus from the contents to the container.

Natural Rubber = tactility, grip and new feel to the product, different from the hard and tacky interpretation of current plastic designs, still cheap and also degradable and sustainable.

Hidden Trigger = innovative approach to interaction making the experience behavioural rather than visceral, also 90% inclusive and ergonomic, trigger also spreads load for disabled users.

Multi function = wider scope of use, more contextually efficient for different usage scenarios, making cleaning more “convenient” and also making the product more efficient in construction, manufacture and use.

Aesthetic = added visual value and art object status bringing product more user emotion and attachment “quirky” but pleasant to look at. Also Reinforces “organic” orientation reassuring the use of “eco2 nature of the product.

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