eda , desk and rest

eda , desk and rest by rodolfo romero garcía russo from mexico

designer's own words:

The "eda , desk and rest " is multifunctional , it's all hide wired up , electrifyed and ethernet conected , wich becomes into a personal studio , where you can chat with your friends while listening or downloading your favorite music , watch a movie or just do your homework.
It can be also used with a cushion upholstered bench ( as shown in picture 2 ) for invite a frien to sit right next to you , or to rest confortably while doing your stuff.
The upper screen is a board where you can write notes an hang pictures and posters with a magnet.
The lower screen is actually a plastic fabric bag , it's used to hang and hold all the cables you're using on your pc , laptop, or any device you have , so they will not be hanging over the floor.
It has also a mobile boockcase of four levels to store anything you can ; books , cd's , dvd's , etc. It has a translucent glass , so you can see what you are saving there , besides ... it looks nice .

eda , with office chair

eda2bench2.jpg eda, with cushion bench

eda3views2.jpg eda , all views