
Epi by Mária Kobelová from czech republic

designer's own words:

Inspiration is everything around me, everything possible round me in the world. It is necessary to perceive the inputs round us and place them in new and unexpected relations.
I made a series of jewels for a body called “Epi” derived from the epilepsy disease, which is quite a sensitive issue. My closest person in my life as well as majority of the world population suffered from it.
Fear of the surroundings leads to more frequent discrimination than the handicap itself, which people diagnosed with epilepsy suffer. I strive to cope with the experience from life through the jewels, to use the product in fight for elimination of shyness due to epilepsy diagnosis and concurrently in fight against disadvantage and to point out people suffering from epilepsy which I try to promote from information point of view among the amateur public, jewel and communication.
The series consists of ten jewels for a body made from polyurethane. They are produced in two sizes according to the different characteristics of the epileptic fit. The bottom part of every shape is identical, round and full. The upper part is divided in seven shapes gradually into two or more items. The inspiration of the entire form stems from the nervous system in relation to growth and nature. In this way the organic shaping was reflected in their form. Search for harmony, hunger for internal harmony, purity, peace, and eternity. Jewels combine organic shapes in minimalism. The entire series of jewels is formed in elegant grey colour expressing fast living style and diseases of the “grey mass cells”. It is related in combination with the white colour, it integrates hope and purity in jewels.
The entire series of jewels are after switching on engine embedded in the shape is dominated by evoking the feeling, experience, communication, and sound
of tingling, which is limited to forty minutes. The user of the jewel which becomes his part experiences the feeling and experience of tingling and trembling. Forty-minute tingling which can be controlled by switching on and off is the experience with different impact on individual persons.

Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová
Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová
Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová
Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová
Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová
Epi, jewelery and communication, Mária Kobelová