eternality urns

eternality urns by Yang Chulin from china

designer's own words:

The traditional urns is usually in dark color, expressing a feeling of sorrow.When we celebrate the anniversary of the death of a loved ones, we stand in front of their urns, burning a candle, then stay silently until the ceremony is over.
I hope that through this design, people can understand that even if their loved ones were gone, the memories are eternal, and they will become the ever-lasting things of our life.

This urns design changes the form of traditional urns, it shapes like a hourglass, when we put the bone ashes of our loved ones into the urns, we can see that the bone ashes is falling beautifully into the bottom, just like our loved ones is still alive.eternality urnsAnd whenever we memorialize the death of our loved ones, we can reverse the