FIATOPIA 500 by yunil kim from uk

designer's own words:

'FIATOPIA 500' is a space only for Fiat500 drivers and their friends and family.

Externally the unique facade and entry system empasize Fiat500's characters and its brand value as a outstanding 'brandmark' from mundane cityscape.

Internally 'FIATOPIA 500' is an oasis and escape place from chaotic urban lifestyles and routines. Fiat500 drivers can relax, enjoy, share and communicate each other through the space.

As every Fiat500 cars are the keys to enter 'Fiatopia', the owner of Fiat500 became a unique member of 'Fiatopia' automatically...

Will you join with us?

01. facade & entrance

copy_9_page2.gif 02. space concept

copy_6_page3.gif 03. fiatopia scape