filltile   the art of reduction

filltile the art of reduction by flip sellin from germany

designer's own words:

‘Filltile’ - the Art of Reduction

Engraved 30 x 30 cm Tiles with an abstract floral pattern.

Observing the strong formal influence of the vertical and horizontal stucco-joints typical for tiles, the aim of our design was the deconstruction of the dominating grid to generate a warmer complexion without loosing the universal square shape and the hygienic advantage of a tile.

For ‘Filltile’, our chosen process was the engraving of the shiny tile with deep grooves equally wide as the typically produced distances in between single tiles. After the tiling, the stucco is applied as usual. With our design, the grooves will be filled, too. This way the stucco generates the designed pattern and successfully deconstructs the grid. The ‘Filltile’ can be used in- and outdoors for walls and floors. As flooring, the produced structure prevents slipping.

the generated design for ‘Filltile’ is an abstract, organic pattern with associations to leaves and plants, and was inspired by 60ies porcellaine with embossed structures by the artist cuno fischer. The organic grooves are laid out to join with the neighboring tile and allow a great variety of directions and turning. The grid can be straight, off set by half or a third of the tile’s size, and still produce a complex, meandering design.

‘Filltile’ allows the use of pigmented stucco to change the appearance of the tiles fundamentally. On a shiny white tile matt white stucco would produce a very subtle pattern. A green filling could be garden-like. Phosphoresce colors or metallic effects would generate very impressive results. The created stucco pattern shifts tile design from cold to warm by refracting the shiny surface with the matt stucco.

With its almost textile wallpaper like appearance the ‘Filltile’ process ads a new tactile and aesthetic dimension to tile design!

filltile cool dining table setting

copy_0_fillile_empty_white_segment.jpg filltile with empty grooves

filltile_conceptscenery.jpg filltile conceptual scene