flow by henry hsiao from taiwan
designer's own words:
The intention of this design is to propose a new way to embrace technology by reconstruct what's already out there and to rethink how we can fully utilize new technologies without being overwhelmed and losing control. Taking away and breaking apart most of the functions we used to carry in our hands and merge them back into where they belong in the surroundings in order to maximize the portability, usability and accessibility. Leaving only the self-identity with key functions in sentimental objects that users carry on them. The purpose is not to add a few more "magical" gadgets into the 3C ocean, but to reorder the chaos.
The design concept is to imbed ZIGBEE technology (a low cost/ low power wireless data sharing/transferring technology) into sentimental wearables that function as the identity recognitions of the users as well as the “key” to access one’s information and personal datas that are saved on the “cloud” while switching from platform to platform, or during the interaction with different appliances, digital gadgets, furniture or anything that is “connected”. “Flow” tries to reduce the growing reliance on certain gadgets such as smartphones by providing an united cross-platform recognition system that gives users controls and freedom in managing preferred information/interaction by carrying objects that contains meaning/sentimental values.
Flow Keys:
Five FLOW Keys are designed for different group of people. Beside the basic function of cloud indentity recognition and access personal datas from the cloud, each “Keys” were designed with different meanings and were given a unique function.
Blue Button is designed for children as the identity recognition. It also an emergency button that connected to the parents. The form of Blue Button is an inspiration of the famous Turkish "BLue Eyes" and Chinese "safe button". Both appears as a gift from adult to children as a charm that represent "safe".
AMORE Ring represents “love”, a ring that glows when love ones approach.
Square Watch is a FLOW key that measures body temperature, heart beats and keep tracking with one's exercise records.
Air Pen gives professional users a more efficient interaction in switching between screens while drawings or writing.
Last but not least, the Mobile Card is a digital wallet, a car key and also a SSD hard drive that allows users to save extremly confidential datas.
Communication: Flow keys help users to get recognized by different appliances, screen platforms, gadgets, or even in different rooms or out side in public. By setting users preferences in advance on any of the screen platform devices, users can enjoy the purity of the using experience without sign in, sign out, or log in and log out. Flow Keys are like user account in digital world.
MOTION: From rooms to rooms, platforms to platforms. “Flow” gives you the control of your own digital life. With a Flow key, you can access to all your datas that are stored on the cloud in any platform you wish in seamless transitions. All you have to do is to walk in, and no more log-in.
Design Concept Flow Keys
Interaction – Indoor
Interaction – Outdoor