foldable chair

foldable chair by sebastian hess from germany

designer's own words:

teenage furniture competition – description of foldable chairs

Talking about the desires of teenagers we must note that there is a wide gap in the furniture sector. Their wishes often aren`t fulfilled.
Especially grafics and surfaces become more and more important. Objects should communicate, give statements and be statements. The individual personal note should not miss.
The chair as a classical furniture symbol is exactly the right starting point when talking to teenagers. A chair that communicates and is communicated; entire sitting groups that tell a story –that`s what these foldable chairs with their changeable layers(sitting sheets) are about.
The idea is based on paper folding (Origami). Using a 3mm (optional 4mm) tough flexible synthetic sheet (PVC) that is cut and drilled the layer (plotted sheet) can be folded with little effort and be plugged onto the stand. You buy a 2 dimensional layer and fold it together once at home. Should you need more space, unbuild the chair and hang the layer on the wall or pile it in the storage room.
Another advantage -the ellipsoid hole make the chairs stackable.
The sitting height of 33 cm and the characteristics of the synthetics surprise with very comfortable sitting in all kinds of positions. Finding your own slanted position turns the originally static sitting into an active experience -kind of `sitting in movement`.
Whether reading, relaxing or even having a nap...the feedback of the showroom visitors in Cologne was very positive.
Each chair can be plotted individually with personal motives sent via web. Motives can be typos, grafics, fotorealistics, paintings or, as I have chosen for the teenage furniture competition, street art done by `graffiti`-friends of mine. In addition a transparent UV-film with a soft haptical feeling protects the grafics and makes sitting more pleasant.

The foldable chair further on can be used especially on events or temporary sitting groups. The layer can be seen as display, a surface on which messages can be printed. Companies can place their logos and advertisements or use the layers as information panell.
In lounges, bars and occasional events groups of folding chairs with their special prints or plots tell stories and entertain the visitors. Teenagers can identify themselves with cool grafics and therefore visit the bars.
The fact of having 2D sheets and a foldable base make postal sending or deliveries in a bigger number of pieces very easy and cheap.

More information and details can be seen on

Designer: Sebastian Hess

individual graphics

teenagefurniturecompgraf.jpg foldable layers

teenagefurniturecompinslantedpositions.jpg comfortable sitting