green name card

green name card by Kim Seung Jun from korea

designer's own words:

Protecting environment should be part of our daily lives and it shouldn't be perceived that the only movement done by the famous environmentalists are great.
If we practice environmental movement even in the small portion, we can confidently tell any one that we are doing environmental movement with pride, and once this way of thinking is transferred to many people, I expect, the perception barrier against environmental movement, which is thought to be too far from us, will be lowered to some extent.

This will give pride to those who practice environmental protection even in small portion, and this is the work to encourage their small efforts.

name card is direct communication tool to introduce who is the oneself to someone in 1:1.
I got convinced that one's own message can be effectively delivered through positive action of giving a name card.

Leonardo Dicarprio

copy_0_green_name_card_02.jpg Natalie Portman

green_name_card_03.jpg Jennifer Aniston