Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural by NguyenThu Thuy from vietnam
designer's own words:
The Hanoi ceramic mosaic mural measures 3.85 kilometers long (6,950m2) and has been confirmed by Guinness World Records as the largest ceramic mosaic in the world. It has been unveiled to coincide with the 1000 year celebration of the establishment of Hanoi. The mural, which is built on the walls of the Red River dyke, has been in construction since 2007 when the concept was first developed by Vietnamese artist Nguyen Thu Thuy. Ms.Thuy wanted to mark the city's millennium with an artistic mural which reinvigorated urban Hanoi and brought local communities together through public art.
Since 2007 Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural project has involved 35 professional artists from Vietnam and from 10 countries including Denmark, France, Holland, Spain, Italy, Britain, America, Argentina, New Zealand and Australia. In addition, over 100 artisans from traditional ceramic villages in Vietnam joined the project and were supported by 500 Vietnamese and International children, and students from fine arts colleges throughout Vietnam.
The project was created to transform the Red river dyke, which is critical in protecting the city of Hanoi but was previously marred by illegal graffit and advertising. The aim was to convert urban areas of the dyke with a colorful, creative mosaic which captured the vibrancy of the city and with the support of the Hanoi's People Committee work began on the mural in 2007.
Each artist has brought their own creative ideas and techniques to the mural, and expressed these using ceramic tiles measuring just 3x3cm. Each meter square contains 1000 of these tiny tiles.
On 5th October 2010, Guinness World Records adjudicator, Beatriz Fernandez, undertook an official review of the Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic to confirm its dimensions and ensure the strict guidelines relating to the record had been followed.Ms.Fernandez confirmed that at 3.850m linear meters (6.950m2) of the Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural was the world's largest ceramic mosaic and awarded a Guinness World Records certificate. The dyke along the Red river is 6km inside Hanoi centre and the Ceramic mosaic mural is nearly 4km long.
As the founder and leader of Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural project, artist Thu Thuy feel very proud and happy. She understand that "DESIGN" is a process in problem solving and a solution to shape a better society and future.The integration of international artists and children's art depict many different moods, culture, eras of history and styles, and they have all been created with the greatest craftsmanship. The whole Ceramic Mosaic Mural making experience is about senses : from seeing the changes of Public space from ugly concrete dyke into splendid ceramic mosaic mural, seeing the aesthetic effects of millions tiny mosaic tile under sunshine and rain, feeling the proud and happiness of people around and herself, success of communities and artists involvement, hearing the wind blows from the river,.. The Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural is continuing and calling for artists around the world to participate. As a fan of Toyota car, Japanese Sushi and Matcha chocolate, I would love to design a part dedicated Vietnam Japan Friendship for Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural
Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic Mural part designed by Nguyen Thu Thuy (10m hight; 40m long) with title ” Hanoi Millennium Express 2010′
Peaceful Hanoi- mosaic designed by Nguyen Thu Thuy and Bui Viet Doan
Mosaic designed by Hanoi children
traditional motifs in Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic mural
Ethnic minority motifs in Hanoi Ceramic Mosaic mural
Hanoi Nagoya mural designed by Nguyen Thu Thuy