helium parking

helium parking by nikolay ivanov kolev from bulgaria

designer's own words:

There is little room for cars in modern cities. The situation is even worse in old towns and dense urban centers. Sometimes the parking capacity of a place is not enough to accommodate a crowded event. There is room, but it is “upstairs”. Here is a proposal for a parking unit that can be easily lifted and managed as its weight is reduced by several cubic meters of helium. Some information: 0,163kg of helium is needed to lift 1kg of cargo /weight of gas included/; 400kg of helium to lift 2000kg – more than the weight of an average car; 400kg of helium is 2,24m3 at 0C; 2,5kg of helium costs approximately .
Each unit can be fitted with autonomous hydrogen propulsion system or hooks to be lifted by elevators. Due to elliptical form it is easily arranged in different schemes.
Application: Elevated docking structures to accommodate great number of units near parks; Flying parking lots to help big public event like concerts, fairs … etc. – wind, hydrogen, solar powered; Façade structures to use buildings exterior for parking – do not ad much load to buildings; The unit can be used as a lift, thus reducing energy consumption.
Materials – aluminum frame; plastic, carbon of cloth shell…

Helium Parking 01

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