info window

info window by jie zhu from china

designer's own words:

Sometimes, information can be annoying!
We are living in the information era. Almost everything around us is covered with information. Gradually, we are forgetting about the original things, but paying most attentions on the information. For example, when people walk around cities, there will be so many displays of information. People are even forgetting about the original appearance of the building, the landscape and the people.
I want to design a life that people can enjoy simple life without annoying of information. But information can be still easily accessed when necessary.
In our design, all the information is existing in digital ways. And can be easily seen through INFO WINDOW, a mobile device connected to entire digital information system.
In this way, information won’t be a noise to physical objects and environment, but can still be easily accessed.

product rendering

xplanation_of_service_.jpg explanation of service

xplanation_of_usage_situation.jpg explanation of usage situation