jäkälä, domestic landscape

jäkälä, domestic landscape by anna blattert from switzerland

designer's own words:

Jäkälä has infinite potential, allowing the creativity of both children and adults to roam freely. It playfully brings two worlds together. Jäkälä can be played with in many different ways. The reclosable fasteners allow experimenting with two-dimensional paths and surfaces, as well as with rises, bulges, and towers. The result is a domestic landscape.
The rubber-coated underside protects it from moisture, so that Jäkälä can also be used outside. Its soft, fluffy, top surface is pleasant to touch, play on, wrestle on, and lay on. This variability of use and the many ways in which the forms can be combined advance collective designing and a cheerful gathering. Jäkälä is a fascinating play of shape and colour.
It takes users to a world where the simple things are beautiful.

jäkälä, domestic landscape

copy_6_picture_2.jpg jäkälä, infinite potential

copy_5_picture_3.jpg jäkälä, cheerful gathering