Light Alive

Light Alive by Taiho Shin from uk

designer's own words:

‘Light Alive’, too responds in a simple manner. The longer we communicate with Light Alive via touch, the brighter and more red the light becomes and once the communication ends the light dims and turns colder. The light expresses the relationship between responses through the temperature of color. When communication is at its height, it shows a vibrant red while if communication becomes distant then it turns into a colder color. The longer you stay, the deeper the color, which gradually comes to a halt, too. We feel that the light is alive by observing such intuitive responses and interaction. The light here is not simply an object of lighting device but a unit of life that represents the relationship within a given space.

Light Alive
Light Alive
Light Alive
Light Alive
Light Alive – Touching Moment
Light Alive
Light Alive – Statement Graph
Light Alive
Light Alive – Section Plan