light_ray @Corian

light_ray @Corian by bianca cristina padurean from uk

designer's own words:

Light_ray @Corian is a project which brings together the concept of light source and furniture fusioned into one object. Through out history we encounter the source of light shining from one place upon a composition of objects. This concept is challenging the idea of light, and its placement. Light_ray is a collection of furniture elements that allow the light to penetrate through creating a multitude of patterns. This creates fantasy environments and mood settings in a decorational manner. It could be a great medium for the interior decoration of night clubs and bars, creating poetry of patterns in the depth of darkness.
DuPont offers the possibility ,for this collection to become reality , through its versatile material Corian . This is highly suitable due to its beauty in translucency and the seamless joining techniques. Glacier white and Pewter grey sheets are funioned together in basic shapes to create the chairs , tables, bar and drinks stand. The Glacier white is used in the BasRelief technique creating raised translucent patterns on the Pewter grey base, in this way allowing the patterns to shine through and cast themselves on the closes mediums. It is an easy technique that will enhance the moods of many environments.

table and chairs

copy_16_board2.jpg night club environment

copy_14_board3.jpg technical info