long term bicycle parking stations

long term bicycle parking stations by lehrer yinnon from israel

designer's own words:

The call for sustainable transportation has brought the rise of vast networks of bicycle lanes in cities all around the world. However, these networks are not properly connected with the wide range of public and private facilities and functions within cities.
Long-term (over 2 hours) bicycle parking stations can serve as such "connectors", and also as multi-purpose urban facilities, thus encouraging not only bicycle transport but also various urban activities and sustainable city life as a whole. However, for this to work on an urban scale there is a need for many such connectors to be placed in a variety of urban scenarios around the city.
No one building-type can properly address such a wide variety of urban situations. Therefore, the project is planned as a kit of prefabricated parts, made of recyclable off-the-shelf components. The various parking stations are planned as different combinations of the parts in this kit. Each station is constructed according to the programmatic demands and physical constraints of its site. The cornerstone of this kit is the structural parking column, which serves not only as a vertical parking device, but also as structural support for various multi-purpose facilities

showers station

yinnonlehrer02.jpg project vision

yinnonlehrer03.jpg user scenario + additional parking station examples