Lovely mark for legendary lovemark

Lovely mark for legendary lovemark by marcel sheishenov from kazakhstan

designer's own words:

First thing came to my mind was love to this legendary brand and its products. People smiling and hugging their moleskines against their hearts. Then I came across an interview with Giulio Iacchetti where he says "I just imagined the man with moleskine instead of heart". So I incorporated notebooks with heart shape. It is universal and iconic. This lovely mark can easily become iconic lovemark.

type and mark

copy_3_moleskine2.jpg logo on moleskinerie blog

copy_3_moleskine3.jpg mark on new collection

copy_3_moleskine4.jpg I love my moleskine

copy_0_moleskine5.jpg I love my moleskine

copy_0_moleskine6.jpg mark on t-shirt