millions ideas

millions ideas by denis popenkov from russia

designer's own words:

moleskine its product for creative people, their ideas, thoughts and emotions. a blog it’s a place where all these people communicate with each other, share their thoughts, experiences and ideas. my idea consists in connecting a brand and ideas/emotions/impressions of people which they share on a site. and my idea also is to make on the basis of one logo - million new.

the logo consists of the constant element (a graphic symbol in the form of a notebook, and fonts) and variable elements. depending on season, mood, time of day, or just want something new is always possible to get a new logo, with the logo will be recognized. and anyone can participate in the process of creating a new logo.


copy_0_prezent2.jpg logotype

copy_0_prezent3.jpg variants

copy_0_prezent4.jpg how it works

copy_0_prezent5.jpg ideas

copy_0_prezent6.jpg more ideas