mobile kitchen block by Kim Young Soo from korea
designer's own words:
The kitchen of tomorrow is the machine of all activities in a house which will act according to dweller’s desire. The living style is changing with the progression of web and digital age. The dead space forced to define as living, sleeping, lounge, etc are not to be workable to the contemporary generation. Coming generation wants a magic tool which will work for all things whatever he wants and same thing is also true for the space in architecture. By aiming to this concept we intended to design a kitchen which will not act as a dead space forced for only cooking, but to design a flexible enclosure feasible for various activities of a house. Today’s kitchen occupies a vital space due to various kitchen equipments and thus area of the kitchen has to pay valuable spaces inside a house. Besides, the furniture for other activities inside a house also pays the same which makes the space dead and makes bore by the same and fixed arrangement. Peoples mind and perception in a house always want to see the variations and so the different arrangement of furniture; thus makes different feelings and emotions inside the same house. Our team has give a solution by making the flexible kitchen where mobile blocks are acted a key role for making the inside space flexible according to the dweller’s desires. We developed block system which is the combination of various equipments not only for the cooking purpose but also for living, education and entertainment purpose. To fulfill the needs for coming web and digital generation it requires various cables or wires and at the same time for the supply various pipes are required. In this design prototype of kitchen for tomorrow we have taken grids of 90cmX90cm and on the basis of the units we designed the blocks. The pipes are run by following the grids in all surfaces. Here we provided four blocks to play the role for making the kitchen flexible. These boxes run by guiding the grids which are followed by pipes. In this system the mobility of boxes are such that it can run through the all surfaces of the kitchen even it can go outside of the room. Accordingly, all the boxes play various roles to make various spaces according to dweller’s need. At the same time the flexible system and mobility of the blocks inside the enclosure maximize the space inside …whereas it has also flexibility to make a space wherever need inside. When the mobility of blocks make the space for various activities, like living room, bed room, kitchen and other activities it also keep the kitchen equipments away from the kids, thus away from the harm. Its flexibility has another possibility to act as outdoor kitchen.
Combined Kitchen block Under the ceiling
Equipment system in the wall
Kitchen block can be located at the exterior space of house.