Modis Interactive Alarm Clock

Modis Interactive Alarm Clock by Thomas from usa

designer's own words:

Technology can be beneficial, yet distracting. Many of us find ourselves lying in bed at night distracted by our phones, wasting precious time when we should be asleep. This abuse of technology that hinders daily activities can have a negative effect on one’s health overtime. The Modis is an interactive alarm clock that syncs with the users phone schedule through an app to help establish and track their sleep patterns, in order to aid in developing healthier sleep habits. The key feature of the Modis embodies the sense of touch to aid you in reducing the distraction of your phone at bedtime. Utilizing a removable pod and charge station the user must remove the pod from the station and place their phone atop the station in order for the alarm to activate. To ensure that you wake happy and alert, the alarm will wake you within a set amount of time before your alarm, to avoid waking you during your REM cycle. This is done through a motion sensor built in the pod that tracks your movement when place in your bed. Unique to the Modis, its primary focuses on touch is featured by allowing the user to develop and customize their waking experience with the use of vibration, and or subtle heat from the alarm pod. To aid in ensuring you are awake the Modis uses touch sensitivity on the pod to activate the snooze feature. To ensuring you are fully alert the alarm requires the replacement of the alarm pod back onto the charge station, and the conformation to turn it off by swiping the screen of your phone.

Design Statement
Modis Interactive Alarm Clock
Problem statement / Design Intent
Modis Interactive Alarm Clock
Interface Design
Modis Interactive Alarm Clock
Exploded View