moleskinerie_legends are told

moleskinerie_legends are told by miguel oliveira from portugal

designer's own words:

I´m moleskine user,i tried to consider things

that i believe to be a part of the moleskine

history, like: usefulness,timeless,simplicity

and portability to sketch or write wherever we

want or needed. This logo represents for me the

union between the classic and the modern.The

symbol represents the books of moleskinerie,

opened, that´s how we want them, to put our

ideas in it.The Phrase that assignes the logo:

"legends are told", represent the connection

from this books directly to people, that were

important to the history of our world, writers,

artists and became legends in their time. This

books told histories for themselves, and make

this brand a legend for everyone. My aim was to

make the logo modern, classic and

simple,representing the open book only to

"post" your ideas in it.That´s the stuff from

which "legends are told".


