
moth by raphaella fearns from uk

designer's own words:

There are two types of cyclists in urban areas, lycra clad with full safety and those struggling with tailored suits, often low visibility. Neither of these are a good solution to commuter cycle wear. However, the Moth jacket bridges the gap between fashion, practicality and safety. Named Moth inspired by a moth's capability of metamorphosis and attraction to light this jacket does exactly this. Inbuilt to the tailoring of the jacket are zips which reveal high visibility, and a reflective trim to make the jacket visible in car headlights. My design disguises safe, ergonomic, weatherproof and practical cycling wear as a fashionable jacket suitable for the board room.

Zipped up back view

jess_2_72_dpi.jpg Unzipped back view

jess_3_72_dpi.jpg Front unzipped