
muuuudder by ofilab studio from italy

designer's own words:

in order to celebrate "the laughing cow" anniversary we decide to focus attention on keywords as humor, smile and, sure, laughter. we use different approaches. the first with a symbolic udder to remind the idea of quality, blended with a graphic and simplify "where's wally" illustration-type concept. we study three project with this core issue, all with a french text: the english translation is like "find the intruder".
the second idea type is a comparison. we consider equally the classic smile graphic image and the lvqr logo. one of this is a roy lichtenstein/pop inspired image, the second a direct comparison between smile and cow, about the years of lighter and thier experience in doing that.
the last idea is a simple silhouette illustration: an old style photographer taking a photo of a cow. clearly he says "cheese" to make it smile.

udder squre

mamm_diso.jpg udder disorder

mamm_fractal.jpg udder fractal

orecchini.jpg earrings

copy_0_exp.jpg in experience we trust

cheeese.jpg say cheese