my own private hide aho

my own private hide aho by jonathan shaw from uk

designer's own words:

Teenagers want and need space and privacy to do things in their own place away from scrutiny, where the law is “Do not disturb”.
And there’s no reason why they should have to put up with sub-standard patronising design in their space. They have a keen eye and a desire for good contemporary design in their lives.

This stylish, roll-out, flexible screen is the perfect movable barrier. It bends to adapt its shape to any room, from fully extended to an enclosed private zone.

The outer side is a sheet of thin flexible steel with a choice of finishes and the inner side is a fabric wall containing numerous pockets and storage solutions for every shape and size object.

metal side of screen

myownprivatehideaho2.jpg fabric side of screen

myownprivatehideaho3.jpg screen in private zone mode