[note] perennial garden

[note] perennial garden by ariel yen-ju hsieh from usa

designer's own words:

The [note] Perennial Garden, is a composition of solar powered LED lighting design which sets as a new typology for modern landscape design. Inspired by Makoto Sei Watanabe’s Fiber Wave, a fiber-optic lighting design which re-envisioned ways of how man perceive grassland, similarly, the [note] Perennial garden introduces a new meaning of how men should picture flower meadow – synthetically, as a field of sustainable solar powered, LED lighting design which interacts according to nature and human interaction.
According to the movement of shadow cast by user, the [note] perennial will gradually start to glow up and to play the sound of a note. Like flower, the perennial comes from a genealogy – each LED flower will differ one another by sound and by colour; in relation to the theory of light and wavelength, the LED flower piece will be in cast in different shade, according its relation to the note which the flower piece makes, for instance, as it is displayed in the image next to, red as Do [C], orange as Re [D], and so on. Hence, the [note] perennial design can be choreographed into visual sound work of art, which the design of the landscape becomes artscape. In a way, designers may take the design of these [note] perennials – LED flower design, and turn it into a public art project. Above is an image of the proposal of the ‘Not A Cornfield’ Project in Los Angeles, CA, USA. It is a public art project which promotes the collaboration between the musicians and artists/designers. Overall, the Cornfield site is be dissected into series of pathway, acting as the manuscript to these musical LED perennials, turning a simple landscape design into a true ‘work of art’ – visual art piece at night and musical art work during day. The proposal for Cornfield act as a light, colour and sound festival for public to have a greater understanding how lighting sets a new standard for modern landscape/artscape.

[note] perennial garden, main

hsieh_2.gif [note] perennial garden, info