O Lantern

O Lantern by Lok from china

designer's own words:

O-lantern is inspired by Asian tradition with a whole new angle to lighting. Implementing with LG OLED technology, the shade of the lamp becomes the light source itself. A simple push lit up the lamp, also transforming its shape and light intensity. It’s a new perception of how light should be and these characteristics are benefited by the advantages of the flexible OLED panel. The natural, soft and comforting light source of OLED allows user to directly look at the lamp without diffuser.

In order to show off this characteristic of the OLED, we turn the shade into a light source, allowing perfect quality of lighting in generic environment. Moreover, the push up motion controlling the brightness of the lamp gives user an emotional interaction and the shape changing of the lamp also gives more life to it.

We design this lamp to be an easy assembly product that all the parts are packed in a thin package ready for assembly. Flat packing will save lots of stocking space and shipping cost. Shapes of the product parts are keep to its minimum components to save the production cost. When the customers open the package, they will see 5 components which are an aluminum base stand with electric plug, a top aluminum plate, a bottom aluminum plate with switch handle, an aluminum tubing and 6 flexible OLED panels (200mm x 50mm).

Product Shot
O Lantern
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O Lantern
Product Shot
O Lantern
Product Shot
O Lantern
Product Shot
O Lantern
Product Shot