Oakley X_Stream Ride

Oakley X_Stream Ride by M.Zurstrassen from belgium

designer's own words:

Oakley X stream Ride, Hum... so you wanted something disruptive? Here's my craziest of my 3 attempts. (3 days - 3 projects).
It is more or less an open project, but more likely to be oriented for an advertisement for the brand.
The idea is quite simple: a Bait, a clamp, dampers, a wheel, a diver with huge cojones, and a massive fish. A shark took the main role for the illustrations.
Illustrations are mostly oriented to communicate the idea.

DEFINE > ” Dare the extreme”
Oakley X_Stream Ride
DISCOVER > “Speed & traction”
Oakley X_Stream Ride
DISRUPT > “Harness”
Oakley X_Stream Ride
DESIGN > “Shark harness” or something like that… 🙂
Oakley X_Stream Ride
DEPLOY > “X-STREAM ride, dare the extreme” how about an idea for an advertisement???
Oakley X_Stream Ride
double of image 5, can’t erase it…