origin cutlery

origin cutlery by eynan kimhi from israel

designer's own words:

The consumer using this specific set of cutlery will feel an interesting evolutional experience.
The very first human feeding means, the teeth, nails, concaved hand palms, Flintstones, spears and seashells were the inspiration sources to the cutlery design.
As the shape source of each one of the tools was different, thus reflected the differentiation of the design of the cutlery.
The main issue is to excite the user to investigate the differentiation source and to discover the evolutional process of each one of the cutlery pieces.
To the unharmed table manners an ambivalent experience will be added, an "Origin Cutlery" set on a modern table.

origin cutlery

origin_2.jpg origin cutlery

origin_4.jpg on leather