
Outline by doonyapol srichan from thailand

designer's own words:

In generally, development of the lamp in the market always follow the technology of light source. I am curious about lighting technology especially in Led which became such a big part since the last 10 years. It has unique characters such as very small, high brightness, while saving a lot of energy. Outline is not only the name of product but also starting point of the ideaIn term of design, I would like to explain the quality of LED through the design in the way that no other light sources can do. The special character of Led needs just only small space for
holding, and this property is reflected into this project directly. It becomes the main concept caused Led remind me a tiny dot on which is attached on circuit line. The basic idea of this project was how can I simplify this complicated concept into the product for every day life.
Finally, I replace the concept of the line by using 8 mm aluminum pipe, while bended it as the table lamp shape to make people get understanding into design easily. Personally, I strongly believe that outline has characterize itself. it is very simple, compatible with
technology and being unique from the same product in the market chain.


