pooftube by van Gameren Sarah from netherlands
designer's own words:
We are Sarah van Gameren and Kim Spierenburg.
Together we form a creative team.
The competition appealed to us because we are both still young. Kim attends the first year of high school. She experienced that the locker area is her schoolmates favorite area to hang out. We didn’t want to force the youths into a new area. Our goal was create a sitting object on an already popular spot according to young people. That is how we invented the Pooftube.
The Pooftube is a sitting element designed for high schools. It is constructed from wave shaped lockers. The Lockers cover up the entire corridor. They are more or less the same as the traditional ones, only the front side of every locker is upholstered with layer of framefoam, finished with a PU-coating and a keyhole in the center. The keyhole we want to apply by using a traditional craft of putting buttons in the pillow of an old fashioned sofa. The result is a tube with a wave of soft lockers to sit or hang on.