potent eloquent ear adornment

potent eloquent ear adornment by Rakesh T R from india

designer's own words:

This is a hi fashion ear adornment inspired from Kathakali a traditional dance of Kerala. The jewelleres form texture and the feel as given from the key words derived from the dance form. Kathakali is all about telling story,its performance involves a lot of energy which, in turn creates lot of drama, dynamics in terms of emotions and actions. The transformation of each story is done in a very nice and in an elegant manner that it creates high enthusiasm in the viewer. Dynamic,transformation, Drama, Elegant, Expressive & Enthusiastic were the key points that were used to generate the form and the functionality in the jewellery. The Jewellery is having 4 different units, with is having different textures and these indivisual units can be moved in anti clock wise and which will help to change the form by increasing the visual volume and also generats a drama by itself. Exploration was done in other materials like acrylic , aluminium The jewellery was made in Brass, but is intended to be made in Gold.

The another aspect in the jewellery is that the adornment is hanged from the back part of the ear which will help to reduce the weight on the ear.

Potent-Eloquentpotent eloquent ear adornmentThe transformation of the adornment.In two different extreme forms. potent eloquent ear adornmentClose up view potent eloquent ear adornmentClose up view potent eloquent ear adornmentLook