
precious by anja robel from norway

designer's own words:

this project aims to use the traditionally perceived and valued preciousness of silver to bring awareness to the value of our other resources, such as water and the millions of plastic bottles sold containing it. it also utilizes and advertises another property of silver, the antibacterial qualities of the silver ion ag+. silver’s new role: precious beyond its monetary value, precious in our minds, precious in our actions.

only 0.5% of all the water on earth is usable for us. when we buy a bottle of water, 3 times as much as the amount of water in it has been used during the manufacturing process of the plastic bottle. so by throwing away this bottle after only drinking the water inside, all of this water is wasted!

use the bottle again! this is the reason for this precious silver object. it is the molecular structure of pet (polyethylene terephthalate) shown in the form of a ball and stick model made out of silver balls and cables. it represents the preciousness of the resources which were used to produce the plastic of the bottle. its construction allows it to be squeezed in, (the cables connecting the balls temporarily bend, then spring back), but once inside it cannot slide out. it will encourage to re-use the bottle. you will look after that bottle, you will not lose it! it makes a statement that you are re-using. it shows an awareness that water, like silver, is precious. so is your health. the silver ions (ag+) released from the silver treat the water, keeping it and your bottle pure, allowing safe re-use.

silver is precious. water is precious. together they remind us of this.

precious bottles

robel_bol_02.jpg use and detail

robel_bol_03.jpg precious silver, precious water