prosthetics for cloud computing

prosthetics for cloud computing by liam young from uk

designer's own words:

We have created a world of fields and frequencies, invisible networks, ephemeral connections and endless streams of data. We live out our lives through our digital selves, and talk to virtual friends through interfaces of glowing rectangles that span across geographies. In this world the physicality and biology of the body is in question. Building on existing technologies of neural stimulators and GPS chip implants we have developed an internal bio computing prosthetic for the cloud computing world. We augment ourselves with new senses for the digital landscape. We tattoo ourselves with conductive ink that animates the skin with a new tribal ornamentation generated from the magnetic fields of our internal wifi antennas. Digital connectivity becomes a part of the natural mineralisation processes of the body as our unique IP address fossilises like the bones within us. MRI scans are a new form of portraiture for our own unique GPS broadcast frequencies. Connecting person to person with electrical pulses we create hive network urban communities, virtual interactions become a part of our physical selves and crowd sourced computation becomes a new kind of magic.

Internal endoscopic view of the mineralisation around the field generated from the bio computing implant

copy_28_image_02.jpg Conductive ink tattoo animated by the wireless field of a digital broadcast and the unique mineralised implant of a lost love one

copy_21_image_03.jpg Through electrical impulses we can sense the virtual interactions of the crowd and a new infrastructure collective computation