raincoat ourdoor sofa (category: garden, pool  and patio areas, fireside and barbecue areas, spa environment)

raincoat ourdoor sofa (category: garden, pool and patio areas, fireside and barbecue areas, spa environment) by liang meng from china

designer's own words:

a revolutionary outdoor sofa with easy-to-put-on protective cover. both the sides/back/bottom (dark colored as shown in images) and the cover (yellow in color in images) are made from waterproof fiber. when the sofa is in use, the cover is rolled up and stowed on the back of the sofa with three buckled belts. after use, unbuckle the belt, spread up the cover and pull the two watertight zippers on the edge of the two armrests all the way down, then the sofa is fully protected from rain and dust. legs in aluminum alloy.

outdoor sofa in use

copy_2887_2.jpg outdoor sofa in use

copy_2481_3.jpg cover rolled up and stowed in place with buckled belts

copy_521_4.jpg cover rolled up and stowed in place with buckled belts

copy_376_5.jpg over being spread up on

copy_260_6.jpg cover spread and zippered up