recorded freethink incident: worker #0041

recorded freethink incident: worker #0041 by andrew ryan from uk

designer's own words:

The Fiat 500 is a car that is most powerfully defined not by the world it stands for; but the corrosive aspects of a dystopian world for which the Fiat 500 is the antidote. It is a rebel; not a statesman.
The 'world of the Fiat 500' depicted here is an Orwellian allegory for the homogenity and oppressive humdrum of contemporary culture. It is not a prediction; but a parody of now. The pressure to conform; to obey routine, to accept corrupt systems are the 21st century monuments- casting shadows, in which an underground movement thrives. State control begins to include intangible human experiences such as happiness, leisure and love. It promises a better life, but at the expense of living. Fiat 500 is an incongruity. It is a fleeting glance, a secret handshake. It is an idea. And ideas are dangerous. Grinning world leaders, orange with fake tan; make promises of freedom without- the Fiat promise is freedom within.


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