recycled cart

recycled cart by tim hoh from canada

designer's own words:

The aim of this project was to design a cart for the homeless that is affordable, easy to construct, versatile, and durable. A major factor in achieving these goals is the source of materials used for construction. The final proposal uses recycled wood from construction waste as the primary source of material. In addition to minimizing cost, recycled wood is also readily available in most communities, and offers strength and durability. Using wood also provides opportunities for construction supply companies to donate materials to help the homeless. Such donations would have the additional effect of helping to raise awareness regarding the needs of this segment of the population. The success of this cart is maximized through community involvement. Efficient delivery of carts to the homeless depends upon a steady supply of materials and volunteers. The cart’s simple construction process enables volunteers to build them without relying on an outside manufacturer. Carts can be constructed at homeless shelters, churches, or schools. The homeless can also help construct these carts, enabling them to become an integral part of their assembly and distribution.

introduction and concept development

features_tim_hoh.jpg construction and features

final_tim_hoh.jpg final design