
Sabor by mansour ourasanah from usa

designer's own words:

We have all had days where we go to an eating place and order water with lemon. That’s because drinking Lemon-flavored water has its share of health advantages. Presently, flavoring water is achieved by slicing a lemon into small pieces, and either dropping it into the water, squeezing out the fluid, or allowing it to dangle onto the edge of the glass. All of these methods require a substantial amount of contact between the sliced lemon and the person’s bacteria-laden hand. Usually the preferred technique is either not germ-free or it is unproductive (there is just never sufficient contact between the water and the lemon) to say the least. Bearing in mind that the average person rarely washes his hands, it is unsanitary to drink water with a sliced lemon that has gone through so much handling. In 2015 people will seek out a more hygienic and effective way of flavoring their glass of water. SABOR is a forward-looking straw that will enable people to do just that. Sabor is designed with a puffed up middle segment that clasps your lemon slice, thus reducing the amount of contact you have with the lemon. There is no dropping the slice into the water, squeezing, or hanging it onto the glass. As you suck onto the straw, the water passes through the middle pocket and, as you might expect, makes contact with the lemon, consequently carrying the flavor up to your taste buds. In addition to flavoring water, Sabor also resolves the common problem of “sinking straws” by floating on the surface of the water. The puffed up middle section adds buoyancy to the straw and allows it to float on the surface of the water no matter how deep the cup is; no longer will you have to reach into your cup to pull out your straw. In 2015 Sabor will be in every restaurant and, as we become less disposable, it will be a reusable item, hence reducing the amount of straws that end up in our landfills. The function of Sabor is not limited to lemon flavors, it is flexible enough to accommodate any kind of flavor….use your imagination.


copy_1095_2.jpg How it works

copy_911_3.jpg Sustainability