salt flour water

salt flour water by edna reuveni from israel

designer's own words:

The objects, that were the products of a design research about salt, are made from a combination of kosher salt, rice flour and water.

This material has several characteristics which create the potential to use it as a body containers or biodegradable coffins that decompose together with the body, as part of the Eco-design conception;
In a dry environment this material can be used as a preservative container and in a humid environment it start to decompose. Furthermore, while being baked, the material can take the shape of its detailed mold and the space that creates inside the object can be controlled.

These biodegradable bodies containers can help the reconciliation with the death and burial, as the coffin and the body it contained are having the same process of fading into the soil, compare to other common burial method.

Biodegradable materialsalt flour waterShapes researchsalt flour waterInner space research